He woke up at 4:00AM WIDE AWAKE! I was so mad! I tried to just give him his soother and cover him with his blanket, but he cried...
so I went back in there and did it again...
still didn't work.
So I picked him up and went to the rocking chair. After about 5 minutes of him staring at me (and me not looking at him except to check a couple times if he was still staring at me), I put him back in his bed (this has worked before--it's like he just needs help to relax or something).
But that didn't work either...he just cried and cried...so Derrick suggested a bottle.
Duh! Why the heck didn't I think of that! Oh, because it was 4:45AM and I was trying to stay in "sleepy mode" so that when Mason finally DID go back to sleep, I wouldn't just lay there myself wide awake...
well anyways, I went off to the kitchen to make him a bottle, being so thankful that my husband made that suggestion (seriously. I sometimes baffle myself, not thinking of the obvious...I have had to give Mason a bottle in the night before because of growth spurts, and it usually only lasts one or two nights before he's back sleeping through the night again...)
Anyways, it's about 4:50AM now, and I head back to the bedroom and OF COURSE, all is now quiet...so I walk back to the kitchen, put the bottle in the fridge, and go back to bed, frustrated, but glad he's gone back to sleep on his own.
Except, he hadn't...not even a minute after I lay down, I hear him talking quietly. Sometimes he does this before he goes to sleep, so I left him. But within a few minutes, his cries started again...
So back I went to the kitchen, grabbed the still-warm bottle, squeezed all of the air out of the liner, handed it to him, and went back to bed.
Now I have to say here, that I NEVER put Mason to bed with a bottle. I am a HUGE BELIEVER that this is one of the worst things you can do for your child--it causes toothrot, and can cause ear infections (liquid sitting there)...and how hard is it for the parent who is trying to wean their child off a bottle, but can't because they have to have it to fall asleep and fall back asleep if they wake up (not to mention that formula is only supposed to be at room temp for a max of one hour after it has been made...gross!)...and I'm sorry if you are a believer in putting your child to bed with a bottle...I'm not trying to offend you, but there are just so many downsides to doing this, and working in day care, I have seen the effects on children's teeth and in their seeping ears, watching them lay their ear against the cold floor to give it some relief...so sad :(
But back to my story...I was too tired, so I just gave it to him to feed himself. (That's another thing, I almost always hold Mason and feed him his bottle...I like the bonding time, and in the beginning especially, it helped me not to feel so guilty for not breastfeeding, because we still had Mommy+Mason bonding time...but that's a whole 'nother story to blog about another day)...
Ok, no more side tracks....
About twenty minutes later, he starts crying again. I don't even know if I had fallen back asleep or not. So I go in there, and he still has 1/3 of his bottle left, so I fed him the rest--he sucked it dry, and then when he complained just for a second and seemed to be done, I went back to bed....
Now it's just about 6:00AM and he starts crying again...
so I figure, well maybe he's still hungry, since I only made him 3/4 of a bottle. So I go out an make him a half bottle (better to have extra than run out again, right!?), and this time grabbed some Camilla (a natural pain reliever for babies).
I picked him up, squeezed it in his mouth (it really doesn't taste like anything, but Mason still doesn't like it so I kind of have to "surprise attack" him with it), and then gave him his bottle and put him back to bed.
This time he slept! And so did I...
And then when our dog, Jake, woke both of us up at 8:15 by shaking noisily (banging his collar around his neck), I was pretty mad...and I had a massive headache...Mason usually sleeps until 8:00/8:30, but I was hoping he'd sleep in...and maybe he would have too...oh, the life....
Well, Mason is napping now, and has been for 2 1/2 hours. He usually sleeps 1 1/2 to 2 hours...I'd say he's pretty tired, as he got grumpy about an hour after waking up (this usually takes about 3 hours, and that's how I know it's nap time)...here's hoping for a better night's sleep tonight!!!!
Oh and I guess I should update on the homemade lotion---it seems to be working pretty well. My heels definitely aren't as dry and cracking as they were last week, but they are still a little dry...I did miss a day or two though...anyways, I will keep applying it and hopefully within one more week they will be back to their soft selves!
I'm going to make this healthy chocolate muffin recipe this afternoon to bring to a meeting tonight, so I'll post on how it went in the next couple days! Wish me luck!

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