***Cabinet Update: they are STILL NOT installed (insert sad face)....I guess we just should have known that something would go wrong...so we are currently in the process of trying to find someone to install them. We have a guy coming over tonight to look, so here's hoping he doesn't want TOO much money...Derrick says that if the price is too high, he'll just do it himself when the weather gets too bad for him to work, but who knows how long that will be! I really don't want to wait that much longer...especially since the cabinets are all over our house and pretty much everything from the bathroom and kitchen is stuffed in the spare room...yikes...I will be SO GRATEFUL when this is all over!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween!
***Cabinet Update: they are STILL NOT installed (insert sad face)....I guess we just should have known that something would go wrong...so we are currently in the process of trying to find someone to install them. We have a guy coming over tonight to look, so here's hoping he doesn't want TOO much money...Derrick says that if the price is too high, he'll just do it himself when the weather gets too bad for him to work, but who knows how long that will be! I really don't want to wait that much longer...especially since the cabinets are all over our house and pretty much everything from the bathroom and kitchen is stuffed in the spare room...yikes...I will be SO GRATEFUL when this is all over!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Cabinets, Babies, and Funeral Potatoes...
WE HAVE CABINETS! Well, not all of them, and they're not installed yet, but we have all of our kitchen ones! Derrick and I went down to pick them up last Friday. We hadn't seen them stained yet, so it was great to see how beautiful they turned out. They are a bit more rustic looking than I was hoping (the colour and grain of the wood), but oh well...they're still beautiful and I love them :) I'm so glad that we didn't go with a big box store and get factory-made ones...once they are installed I'll post pictures and you'll understand why! Hooray! I'm so excited that the day is almost here when I will have a completed kitchen!
What else is new...Mason is getting stronger every day. When he's on is tummy (which is where he chooses to be 85% of the time), he gets right up as high as his arms will let him go, lifting his stomach and hips off the floor. Soon he'll be up on his knees I'm sure!
He's also started eating a lot more. He was sleeping well for the first little while after I started feeding him (hooray to only one or sometimes even no-nighttime wake-ups!) But the last three nights he has been waking up lots. So I figure he must be needing to eat more. Today is the first day that I will test this theory: I'll feed him between every single bottle, and if he eats a whole portion, I will offer him more until he is full.

Apple! Mason started freaking out when I took it from him lol he was enjoying it so much!

Chicken and Applesauce--the chicken was too dry and he wasn't crazy about the flavour by itself!
-Morning: plums + oat cereal because they were pretty tart (I made a whole bunch of baby food the last couple months and froze it)
-After first nap: butternut squash (I ordered a case from a woman here in Hill Spring who gets fruits and veggies delivered from Washington...so I'm overloaded with butternut squash. So far I've made soup, muffins, and baby food, with plans to try a few more muffin/bread recipes and roast some for myself with butter, salt, and pepper)
-Between 3:30 and 4:45: applesauce
-Between 5:30 and 6:45: beets
-8:00: oat cereal
Hopefully this helps him sleep tonight!
Have any of you heard of "fly lady?" If not, check her out on FB or her website flylady.net . There are some great ideas on there for cleaning...She asks "Are you living in CHAOS?" which stands for "Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome" lol....Also, "tip junkie" (also on FB or found on her website here) has tons of great ideas, tutorials, etc. Most of them aren't her own, but links to other bogs. "How does she" is also great blog for tips, tutorials, etc.
Lastly, I'd like to share one of my FAVORITE recipes: Funeral Potatoes. The original recipe can be found here, but I've made a few changes. I've tried a few different recipes, but they always turned out to dry, or lacking the right flavour. This one is my favorite! Here's my version:
Preheat oven to 350.
In large bowl combine soups, sour cream, 1 ½ cups cheese, onions, and the 1/2 cup of melted butter.
Gently fold hash browns into mixture.
Pour mixture into rectangular baking dish. Top with ½ cup of cheese.
Combine crushed corn flakes and the 2 Tbsp of melted butter and sprinkle on top of potato mixture.
Bake for 30 minutes, or until hot in the center.
I hope you enjoy them! They are creamy and delicious!
What else is new...Mason is getting stronger every day. When he's on is tummy (which is where he chooses to be 85% of the time), he gets right up as high as his arms will let him go, lifting his stomach and hips off the floor. Soon he'll be up on his knees I'm sure!
He's also started eating a lot more. He was sleeping well for the first little while after I started feeding him (hooray to only one or sometimes even no-nighttime wake-ups!) But the last three nights he has been waking up lots. So I figure he must be needing to eat more. Today is the first day that I will test this theory: I'll feed him between every single bottle, and if he eats a whole portion, I will offer him more until he is full.


I have just been feeding solids to him three times a day: an hour after his morning bottle--fruit, when he wakes up from his first nap (around 1:30/2:00)--veggies and/or chicken, and then an hour before his last bottle and bed--oat cereal (he doesn't like rice cereral). So here's the plan for today:
-After first nap: butternut squash (I ordered a case from a woman here in Hill Spring who gets fruits and veggies delivered from Washington...so I'm overloaded with butternut squash. So far I've made soup, muffins, and baby food, with plans to try a few more muffin/bread recipes and roast some for myself with butter, salt, and pepper)
-Between 3:30 and 4:45: applesauce
-Between 5:30 and 6:45: beets
-8:00: oat cereal
Hopefully this helps him sleep tonight!
Have any of you heard of "fly lady?" If not, check her out on FB or her website flylady.net . There are some great ideas on there for cleaning...She asks "Are you living in CHAOS?" which stands for "Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome" lol....Also, "tip junkie" (also on FB or found on her website here) has tons of great ideas, tutorials, etc. Most of them aren't her own, but links to other bogs. "How does she" is also great blog for tips, tutorials, etc.
Lastly, I'd like to share one of my FAVORITE recipes: Funeral Potatoes. The original recipe can be found here, but I've made a few changes. I've tried a few different recipes, but they always turned out to dry, or lacking the right flavour. This one is my favorite! Here's my version:
- 1 kg bag hashbrowns (I like McCain)
- 2 (10 ¾ oz) cans cream of chicken soup
- 2 cups sour cream
- 1 ½ cup grated cheddar cheese (I like to use old/sharp cheddar cheese because it has better flavor)
- ½ cup melted butter or margarine
- ½ cup chopped onion (Or if you have a fussy hubby like I do, 1 tsp onion powder, or ¼ cup pureed onion—I prefer the puree to the powder)
- ½ cup grated cheddar cheese
- 2 cups finely crushed corn flakes
- 2 Tbsp butter or margarine melted
Preheat oven to 350.
In large bowl combine soups, sour cream, 1 ½ cups cheese, onions, and the 1/2 cup of melted butter.
Gently fold hash browns into mixture.
Pour mixture into rectangular baking dish. Top with ½ cup of cheese.
Combine crushed corn flakes and the 2 Tbsp of melted butter and sprinkle on top of potato mixture.
Bake for 30 minutes, or until hot in the center.
I hope you enjoy them! They are creamy and delicious!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Sweet Deal!
So two of my many interests include Pinterest and Finding Bargains.
What is Pinterest you might ask? It's a fabulous site where people can bookmark things visually (like a pin board), organized however you want it to be organized. And the best part is that you can view other people's --that you know, that you don't know. It's a great way to get new ideas. My favorite things to "pin" are recipes and do-it-yourself things that have to do with decor, saving money, organization, children's play ideas, etc. You can sign in and create your own boards as well as "subscribe" to other people's boards. I also like going to the main page when I'm not signed in and getting ideas there (and subscribing to those people's boards). Anyways, it's super addicting so if you check it out, be careful. One trick I discovered is when I see something on the page that I want to click on, I right click on it and select "open in new tab" otherwise you have to use your back button a lot and the page is always changing so if you saw something you wanted to click on before, it may be gone. Check it out:
After that I did a few other errands and then went to Extra Foods. I find the Extra Foods in Cardston is TERRIBLE when it comes to labeling shelves with correct prices. I had things on my list that were on sale that weren't on sale according to the label on the shelf. And then there's always something that comes up with the wrong price on the reciept. Yes this is super annoying if you don't check your reciept until you get home (or you just nver look at your reciepts period), so I have started checking my reciept before I even leave the store. And it's a good thing. They had advertised a case of 40 Sunrype pure juice-juice boxes in the flyer for $9.99. That's about $1 a pack of 5. Usually the single packs go on sale for $1.25, so not bad. Still, I wasn't going to spend $10 on juice boxes when I'm the only one that will drink them!
When I passed them in the aisle though the tag said $8.88. Not a huge difference, but that brings them down to .88 a pack, so I decided to buy them since they dont expire until next April. Of course when I checked my reciept, it said $9.99. So I brought it to the cashier's attention and she called the manager and I got them for FREE :) Here's a rule that is not commonly shared: if the price is wrong and it's under $10, the product is free, BUT most of the time they will just give it to you at the cheaper price UNLESS you make a point to say "so it's free, right?" or something along those lines. If the product is over $10, then you get the item for the cheaper price that it was advertised on the shelf at, even if the sale ended already--if they forget to take down the tag, then it's to your benefit! So my advice--try to pay attention as they ring in the items, and if you can't because of other distractions (I can't anymore because of Mason :] ), make sure to check your reciept! And if you get home before you notice, call customer service and talk to the manager, and they will either take down your info or tell you to bring your reciept with you next time you come into the store.
Happy Pinning and Bargain Hunting!
Another interest: finding a bargain. Monday Mason and I went into Cardston as I had a formula coupon that was expiring that day. We first went to the Bargain Barn which is the second hand store. I love that store. They are soooooo cheap and you can find really neat stuff there! I spent $6.25 and got: 2 picture frames, a decorative basket, 2 pairs of boys dress shoes in great condition (one baby size 6 and the other child-size) , a pair of work jeans for Derrick that looked brand new, a babyfood mill, and a bag of softener salt--usually around $5 brand new but got an unopened bag here for $1! (we have a water softener for our well water). Sweet deal! The babyfood mill was my fave purchase though at .50!
Not exactly sure how to turn this picture the right way...
I have been making Mason babyfood in my magic bullet and freezing it, but the babyfood mill will be great for when he can handle texture and eat everything that we eat!
After that I did a few other errands and then went to Extra Foods. I find the Extra Foods in Cardston is TERRIBLE when it comes to labeling shelves with correct prices. I had things on my list that were on sale that weren't on sale according to the label on the shelf. And then there's always something that comes up with the wrong price on the reciept. Yes this is super annoying if you don't check your reciept until you get home (or you just nver look at your reciepts period), so I have started checking my reciept before I even leave the store. And it's a good thing. They had advertised a case of 40 Sunrype pure juice-juice boxes in the flyer for $9.99. That's about $1 a pack of 5. Usually the single packs go on sale for $1.25, so not bad. Still, I wasn't going to spend $10 on juice boxes when I'm the only one that will drink them!

Happy Pinning and Bargain Hunting!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
The Reasons behind why I don't give Mason Tummy Time
So there's always a lot of angst when the subject of tummy time comes up around me. People are always trying to tell me why it's so important, and I am always trying to tell them why I choose not to do it, but I always seem to get frustrated and am unable to get my point across. I'm not uneducated in the area, in fact I know all of the "benefits" and actually even the reasons behind why we as parents are told to do it. I took the Early Childhood Education Diploma (associate's degree) course at Lethbridge College and we talked about subjects like tummy time often. So here it goes, my un-interupted "rant" about tummy time...
First off, why is tummy time "important"? Well, we have been told it helps prevent the flat spots on baby's head, not only the little ones that will go away but the big ones that cause the child to wear one of those therapy helmets to make it go away. It also helps to strengthen neck and back muscles. Another claim is that it helps the child learn to roll over sooner. Ok, that all is great. Really, those are all very important things. But Mason has had tummy time maybe 10 times in his whole life of 5 1/2 months (a couple times by me where he laid on his tummy on my tummy for about 30 seconds, and the other times by people watching him, doing it in secret..but of course I always find out later...like once when I walked in on Derrick standing over Mason who had been put on his stomach...but that's a whole other subject to rant on for another day).
The main reason behind the reasons given above for tummy time: baby containers. What are baby containers? They are the toys and contraptions we have come up with over the years that don't allow babies to have free movement. Some are necessary (carseat, stroller), but many are not (baby vibrating chairs, swings...) They are for convenience-sake only--for the parent (there are other baby containers like exersaucers, jolly jumpers, walkers, etc for babies as they get older which I do not like, but we will save that for another post). But they are the norm so the majority of people don't even question them. They think that they are "necessities" every new parent should have. I disagree. They are the reason for tummy time. They don't allow a baby to move to their fullest potential, developing all of those muscles that they get from being on their backs on the floor. So yeah, if you use those "baby containers" often and aren't willing to quit, tummy time is very important. Doctors and Health Care Practitioners started pushing tummy time when there became an increase of flat heads and weak babies. Like I said, we talked about it in school and I have textbooks that discuss the issue too. I'd be glad to lend them out to anyone or give you the titles if you're interested. The only time that "baby containers" that in my eyes are un-nessesary become necessary is when it is not safe for the child to be on the ground.
So if using all of these things is the norm, why would I choose not to use them? It's not because I didn't want to have to give Mason (or any of my future children) tummy time; it's because I learned about Magda Gerber and her philosophy of raising children (now called RIE--resources for Infant Educarers [educate+caregive]), as well as Loczy, now called the Pikler Institute (named after it's found Emmi Pikler) in Budapest, Hungary. Magda was taught by Emmi. I have lots of books on this topic too. The babies at the Pikler Institute are never put into a position they cannot get into themselves, and they progress and develop "normally," if not above "normal." The philosophy is amazing. It is all about respecting the child and letting him or her grow and develop at their own rate. Allowing freedom of movement and always remembering that they are people too. Always asking or telling the child before you do something--it's all about respect. If you want to be respected by your child, you must show them the same respect. A great example--I always tell Mason before I pick him up that I am going to do so, or sometimes I ask him. I hold my arms out and pause. Then I put them under him and pause. He will always lift his head up off the ground, showing me that he is ready to be picked up--that he is bracing himself. Always. I also always talk to him while I change his diaper, telling him what I am doing and asking for his help. I tell him to lift his legs so I can take his diaper off and he does. I tell him to lift so I can put a new diaper on. I tell him to put his legs down so that I can do his diaper up. He always does. I have been doing this since birth, and he has been "helping" with the process since about 3 months of age. Babies are smart! Give them the chance to show you! Another proof: at Mason's 3 month checkup, the doctor remarked on how he was "so strong!" (she does not know that I don't do tummy time). To this day she has never asked me if I do tummy time. Why? My guess is because he is strong and because he does not have a flat head. Like most babies, he had a little bit of a flat head for a while--not enough to be concerned though--but it's gone now because of the movement he gets from being on the floor, which is where he is for the majority of his waking hours. Of course, he has a foam mat + blanket under him and has toys to play with there, and of course I sit with him and talk + sing to him a lot, but he also is confident enough to have "alone time," and when he gets bored, I do change his view by moving him or picking him up. So please, if you use "baby containers," try to use them less, and if you find that you can't, please give your child tummy time!
Anyways, those are my reasons and I hope they can be respected. You may not agree with everything, but please know I am not doing things blindly. I have worked with children and taken schooling for 6 years now, so I do know what I'm doing (most of the time!) Like every new parent, I don't know everything and do need help and ideas once in a while, but I do know a lot and I am so grateful for all of the education and experience that I have.

July 5th, 2001, Mason is 3 months + 3 days, just starting to roll onto his side. Of course I don't think it's a race to see how quick he can roll over, crawl, sit up, etc., but it does make a momma proud when her baby is developing appropriately!!!

Please feel free to leave a comment. I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on the topic! Also, I just want to remind people that this was not written towards any specific people, I'm not trying to tell you that you are a bad parent if you use baby containers, and I don't think that I know everything about everything, I just wanted to share some opinions and things that I do know and feel would be beneficial to others, especially those who will be around Mason as he grows.
First off, why is tummy time "important"? Well, we have been told it helps prevent the flat spots on baby's head, not only the little ones that will go away but the big ones that cause the child to wear one of those therapy helmets to make it go away. It also helps to strengthen neck and back muscles. Another claim is that it helps the child learn to roll over sooner. Ok, that all is great. Really, those are all very important things. But Mason has had tummy time maybe 10 times in his whole life of 5 1/2 months (a couple times by me where he laid on his tummy on my tummy for about 30 seconds, and the other times by people watching him, doing it in secret..but of course I always find out later...like once when I walked in on Derrick standing over Mason who had been put on his stomach...but that's a whole other subject to rant on for another day).
The main reason behind the reasons given above for tummy time: baby containers. What are baby containers? They are the toys and contraptions we have come up with over the years that don't allow babies to have free movement. Some are necessary (carseat, stroller), but many are not (baby vibrating chairs, swings...) They are for convenience-sake only--for the parent (there are other baby containers like exersaucers, jolly jumpers, walkers, etc for babies as they get older which I do not like, but we will save that for another post). But they are the norm so the majority of people don't even question them. They think that they are "necessities" every new parent should have. I disagree. They are the reason for tummy time. They don't allow a baby to move to their fullest potential, developing all of those muscles that they get from being on their backs on the floor. So yeah, if you use those "baby containers" often and aren't willing to quit, tummy time is very important. Doctors and Health Care Practitioners started pushing tummy time when there became an increase of flat heads and weak babies. Like I said, we talked about it in school and I have textbooks that discuss the issue too. I'd be glad to lend them out to anyone or give you the titles if you're interested. The only time that "baby containers" that in my eyes are un-nessesary become necessary is when it is not safe for the child to be on the ground.
So if using all of these things is the norm, why would I choose not to use them? It's not because I didn't want to have to give Mason (or any of my future children) tummy time; it's because I learned about Magda Gerber and her philosophy of raising children (now called RIE--resources for Infant Educarers [educate+caregive]), as well as Loczy, now called the Pikler Institute (named after it's found Emmi Pikler) in Budapest, Hungary. Magda was taught by Emmi. I have lots of books on this topic too. The babies at the Pikler Institute are never put into a position they cannot get into themselves, and they progress and develop "normally," if not above "normal." The philosophy is amazing. It is all about respecting the child and letting him or her grow and develop at their own rate. Allowing freedom of movement and always remembering that they are people too. Always asking or telling the child before you do something--it's all about respect. If you want to be respected by your child, you must show them the same respect. A great example--I always tell Mason before I pick him up that I am going to do so, or sometimes I ask him. I hold my arms out and pause. Then I put them under him and pause. He will always lift his head up off the ground, showing me that he is ready to be picked up--that he is bracing himself. Always. I also always talk to him while I change his diaper, telling him what I am doing and asking for his help. I tell him to lift his legs so I can take his diaper off and he does. I tell him to lift so I can put a new diaper on. I tell him to put his legs down so that I can do his diaper up. He always does. I have been doing this since birth, and he has been "helping" with the process since about 3 months of age. Babies are smart! Give them the chance to show you! Another proof: at Mason's 3 month checkup, the doctor remarked on how he was "so strong!" (she does not know that I don't do tummy time). To this day she has never asked me if I do tummy time. Why? My guess is because he is strong and because he does not have a flat head. Like most babies, he had a little bit of a flat head for a while--not enough to be concerned though--but it's gone now because of the movement he gets from being on the floor, which is where he is for the majority of his waking hours. Of course, he has a foam mat + blanket under him and has toys to play with there, and of course I sit with him and talk + sing to him a lot, but he also is confident enough to have "alone time," and when he gets bored, I do change his view by moving him or picking him up. So please, if you use "baby containers," try to use them less, and if you find that you can't, please give your child tummy time!
Anyways, those are my reasons and I hope they can be respected. You may not agree with everything, but please know I am not doing things blindly. I have worked with children and taken schooling for 6 years now, so I do know what I'm doing (most of the time!) Like every new parent, I don't know everything and do need help and ideas once in a while, but I do know a lot and I am so grateful for all of the education and experience that I have.

July 5th, 2001, Mason is 3 months + 3 days, just starting to roll onto his side. Of course I don't think it's a race to see how quick he can roll over, crawl, sit up, etc., but it does make a momma proud when her baby is developing appropriately!!!

Please feel free to leave a comment. I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on the topic! Also, I just want to remind people that this was not written towards any specific people, I'm not trying to tell you that you are a bad parent if you use baby containers, and I don't think that I know everything about everything, I just wanted to share some opinions and things that I do know and feel would be beneficial to others, especially those who will be around Mason as he grows.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Lots has gone on the last week! My mom and sister came to visit--they were here for almost a week, and we had a great visit! We went to pretty much every place around here--Pincher, Waterton, Cardston, and Lethbridge. We also went for a walk one day down to Spring Glen Park, about a 10 minute drive from here. I've never been down there when there was no one else there before! It was great :) Then on their last night here (Friday) we went up to Derrick's parent's house for supper--we brought steak and baked potatoes, and also had corn on the cob and fruit salad. It was soooo yummy! It was great to spend the week together, and I know Mason loved all of the love and affection they gave him!
Trying to get a family picture...Jim was holding Jake (our dog) up above Brenda's head to get Mason to smile...well it worked for us!

Trying to get a family picture...Jim was holding Jake (our dog) up above Brenda's head to get Mason to smile...well it worked for us!

Laura and Mason :)
Sunday we went down to Martin City (just before Hungry Horse, before Kalispell) to meet with our cabinetmakers. We brought them a stain sample that we want and some knobs and handles for when they need to drill holes. We had bought all of our knobs and handles for the last guy. Thank goodness we hadn't given them to him yet! We got to see what they have accomplished so far but totally forgot to take pictures! So far they have all of the doors done for the kitchen and linen closets, and the boxes/frames done for the lower cabinets in the kitchen. Thursday I called and gave them the OK to go ahead and make our island and vanities, so I'd say they're at least 30% done. They even said that they will be ready to start staining what they have finished by the end of this week! But maybe now that they have the go-ahead for the island and vanities, they will hold off on the staining until the end. Either way, I'm super excited! It was really great to be able to see the cabinets and I'm starting to get anxious!
Here's a drawing of the bathroom cabinets we are getting

Here's a drawing of the bathroom cabinets we are getting
Well Mason is waking up from a nice looooooooooong nap so I had better go!
Friday, August 26, 2011
First Post
Today I decided to start a blog. Why? So my family and friends from all over can share in our lives!
My plan is to post every couple of days, Mason's development and cuteness (!), progress to our house, yummy recipes I have found, and anything else that comes to mind!
Let's start out with a cabinet update. Here's an idea of what our kitchen will look like when it's finished:
For those of you who don't know, we have been living in our new house (which Derrick built) since the beginning of March with NO kitchen cabinets, or bathroom vanities, or linen closets for the bathrooms. The whole thing has been such a hassle! Our cabinetmaker has been lying to us for months, telling us they were almost ready, just another couple of days, etc. Originally, we were hoping to be in our house by Last Christmas. Well. That certainly did not happen. He told us it would take him about a month, month and a half to have them all done and he was supposed to start last November...well after many lies, he told us (and I'm sure this is a lie) that he started in February. It's almost the end of August and they STILL are not done! In July we decided that it was time to sue him, and so that's what we did. Last week was his "due date" for answering the summons and he did not answer. So now we are taking the next steps. We paid him a deposit of half the estimate in order for him to start last year. So we are trying to either get that back, or else take what he has done-he hasn't finished anything, but has most of the kitchen island done, and most of our three bathroom vanities done. In my opinion, I'd rather have the money.
We hired a new company--these guys seem a little more reliable--they have been in business for 40 years--their dad started the company. They started our cabinets just about two weeks ago so we should have them by mid/end September. Now I said I would rather just get our money back from the other guy because it would just make things so much easier. Otherwise, our new cabinetmakers will have to try and match stain and style exactly, and that will be a really tough job. Too bad I'm pretty sure the other guy doesn't have the money...so we will see what comes of it!
My plan is to post every couple of days, Mason's development and cuteness (!), progress to our house, yummy recipes I have found, and anything else that comes to mind!
Let's start out with a cabinet update. Here's an idea of what our kitchen will look like when it's finished:

For those of you who don't know, we have been living in our new house (which Derrick built) since the beginning of March with NO kitchen cabinets, or bathroom vanities, or linen closets for the bathrooms. The whole thing has been such a hassle! Our cabinetmaker has been lying to us for months, telling us they were almost ready, just another couple of days, etc. Originally, we were hoping to be in our house by Last Christmas. Well. That certainly did not happen. He told us it would take him about a month, month and a half to have them all done and he was supposed to start last November...well after many lies, he told us (and I'm sure this is a lie) that he started in February. It's almost the end of August and they STILL are not done! In July we decided that it was time to sue him, and so that's what we did. Last week was his "due date" for answering the summons and he did not answer. So now we are taking the next steps. We paid him a deposit of half the estimate in order for him to start last year. So we are trying to either get that back, or else take what he has done-he hasn't finished anything, but has most of the kitchen island done, and most of our three bathroom vanities done. In my opinion, I'd rather have the money.
We hired a new company--these guys seem a little more reliable--they have been in business for 40 years--their dad started the company. They started our cabinets just about two weeks ago so we should have them by mid/end September. Now I said I would rather just get our money back from the other guy because it would just make things so much easier. Otherwise, our new cabinetmakers will have to try and match stain and style exactly, and that will be a really tough job. Too bad I'm pretty sure the other guy doesn't have the money...so we will see what comes of it!
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