So two of my many interests include Pinterest and Finding Bargains.
What is Pinterest you might ask? It's a fabulous site where people can bookmark things visually (like a pin board), organized however you want it to be organized. And the best part is that you can view other people's --that you know, that you don't know. It's a great way to get new ideas. My favorite things to "pin" are recipes and do-it-yourself things that have to do with decor, saving money, organization, children's play ideas, etc. You can sign in and create your own boards as well as "subscribe" to other people's boards. I also like going to the main page when I'm not signed in and getting ideas there (and subscribing to those people's boards). Anyways, it's super addicting so if you check it out, be careful. One trick I discovered is when I see something on the page that I want to click on, I right click on it and select "open in new tab" otherwise you have to use your back button a lot and the page is always changing so if you saw something you wanted to click on before, it may be gone. Check it out:
After that I did a few other errands and then went to Extra Foods. I find the Extra Foods in Cardston is TERRIBLE when it comes to labeling shelves with correct prices. I had things on my list that were on sale that weren't on sale according to the label on the shelf. And then there's always something that comes up with the wrong price on the reciept. Yes this is super annoying if you don't check your reciept until you get home (or you just nver look at your reciepts period), so I have started checking my reciept before I even leave the store. And it's a good thing. They had advertised a case of 40 Sunrype pure juice-juice boxes in the flyer for $9.99. That's about $1 a pack of 5. Usually the single packs go on sale for $1.25, so not bad. Still, I wasn't going to spend $10 on juice boxes when I'm the only one that will drink them!
When I passed them in the aisle though the tag said $8.88. Not a huge difference, but that brings them down to .88 a pack, so I decided to buy them since they dont expire until next April. Of course when I checked my reciept, it said $9.99. So I brought it to the cashier's attention and she called the manager and I got them for FREE :) Here's a rule that is not commonly shared: if the price is wrong and it's under $10, the product is free, BUT most of the time they will just give it to you at the cheaper price UNLESS you make a point to say "so it's free, right?" or something along those lines. If the product is over $10, then you get the item for the cheaper price that it was advertised on the shelf at, even if the sale ended already--if they forget to take down the tag, then it's to your benefit! So my advice--try to pay attention as they ring in the items, and if you can't because of other distractions (I can't anymore because of Mason :] ), make sure to check your reciept! And if you get home before you notice, call customer service and talk to the manager, and they will either take down your info or tell you to bring your reciept with you next time you come into the store.
Happy Pinning and Bargain Hunting!
Another interest: finding a bargain. Monday Mason and I went into Cardston as I had a formula coupon that was expiring that day. We first went to the Bargain Barn which is the second hand store. I love that store. They are soooooo cheap and you can find really neat stuff there! I spent $6.25 and got: 2 picture frames, a decorative basket, 2 pairs of boys dress shoes in great condition (one baby size 6 and the other child-size) , a pair of work jeans for Derrick that looked brand new, a babyfood mill, and a bag of softener salt--usually around $5 brand new but got an unopened bag here for $1! (we have a water softener for our well water). Sweet deal! The babyfood mill was my fave purchase though at .50!
Not exactly sure how to turn this picture the right way...
I have been making Mason babyfood in my magic bullet and freezing it, but the babyfood mill will be great for when he can handle texture and eat everything that we eat!
After that I did a few other errands and then went to Extra Foods. I find the Extra Foods in Cardston is TERRIBLE when it comes to labeling shelves with correct prices. I had things on my list that were on sale that weren't on sale according to the label on the shelf. And then there's always something that comes up with the wrong price on the reciept. Yes this is super annoying if you don't check your reciept until you get home (or you just nver look at your reciepts period), so I have started checking my reciept before I even leave the store. And it's a good thing. They had advertised a case of 40 Sunrype pure juice-juice boxes in the flyer for $9.99. That's about $1 a pack of 5. Usually the single packs go on sale for $1.25, so not bad. Still, I wasn't going to spend $10 on juice boxes when I'm the only one that will drink them!

Happy Pinning and Bargain Hunting!