I found this recipe a long time ago on Pinterest, and have come across it again a few times, but just today decided to make it: No-Bake Energy Bites
Like usual, I changed it to suit what I was looking for: More fiber, and a better crunch.
I have this product called Nutracleanse that you can learn more about here. I got it from my mother-in-law, and she bought it at Pharmasave...I had never heard of it, but since acquiring it, I seem to see it everywhere! It is a blend of ground flax seed, ground psyllium husks, dandelion root powder, burdock root powder, and fenugreek seed powder. They recommend mixing it into hot cereal, or putting it in baked goods. Or, if you're in a "rush," they recommend mixing it in a glass of orange juice. Tried that, and not going to lie, it was pretty gross...I also tried mixing a large amount in yogurt, and same thing...yuck...They tell you to take 1/3 cup everyday for optimal health. So, when Mason was born with "pooping" problems, and I didn't want to use medication, I thought that this might help. I asked my doctor and she said it was find for him to have, so I started mixing it into his baby cereal or applesauce (and only 1-2 tsp). It worked great! And now, I hardly use it and he has NO problems! I'm not saying it's a miracle cure, but it's definitely worth a try!
So when I decided to make the energy bites today, I figured I would substitute Nutracleanse for the flax. Here is my adapted recipe:
In a bowl mix together 3/4 cup chunky (or 1/2 cup smooth) peanut butter, 1/2 cup honey, and 1 tsp vanilla.
Add 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cup nutracleanse (you can do straight ground flax if you'd like!), and 1/4 coconut, stirring to combine.
Add 1/2 cup corn flakes, and 1/2 cup carob chips (or chocolate chips if you prefer), mixing gently to combine.
Cover bowl with saran wrap, and refrigerate about 30 minutes, or unti "moldable."
Using your hands, form into balls. I made ones that were "one bite" sized so I could just pop them in my mouth, but you could easily press the mixture into a square pan and then cut when firm. Just remember to keep it in the fridge, whatever form you make them into. And be careful, because they're a little addicting...especially if you like PB + Honey sandwiches!!
Let me know if you make these and what you think!
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